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Agriculture, Food Security & Climate Change Mitigation

Agriculture and the agro-industry continue to be the mainstay of the economy of Tanzania. It is the main source of food for the country’s population, providing raw materials for industries and markets for manufactured goods. It has forward and backward linkages to other sectors of the economy through agro-processing, consumption and export.

PDF is working with smallholder farmers to increase agriculture productivity, profitability, improve access to market and finance.  Through European Union funding, PDF is leading implementation of a 4 years project in Zanzibar called Zanzibar Value Web, Horticulture, and Income Growth (VIUNGO). The aim of the project is to unlock the potentials of the horticulture value chain, increase the value and volume of high-quality products to markets, and promote inclusive economic growth in Zanzibar.

PDF is as well operating a fully registered farmers lending microfinance institution called Vision Microfinance (VM). Smallholder farmers, processors and exporters are accessing soft loans through this arrangement. Moreover, PDF is promoting access to improved seeds and pest sides as well as post-harvest loss prevention technologies.